Christening | 15 March 1813 San Marcial, Altza, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.295 Longitude: W1.964 
Source: San Marcial, en Altza - DONOSTIA (Gipuzkoa) - Índice de libros sacramentalesPublication: www.snae.org Citation Details: 5º Bautismos 363 rº Date of entry in original source: from 1739 to 1819 Text: Identificación:
Nombre: Jose Ramon Apellidos: Mercader, Bonazategui Fecha: 1813-03-15 Padre: Manuel, Mercader, Goicoechea Madre: Maria Juana, Bonazategui, Oyarzabal Observaciones:
Fondo: San Marcial, en Altza - DONOSTIA Título: 5º Bautismos Fechas Extremas: 1739 - 1819 Folio/Página: 363 rº Nº Partida: 8 Perteneciente a Diócesis: Pamplona Territorio Histórico: Gipuzkoa Código Referencia: DEAH, F06.013, 1116/002-00 Signatura: 1116/002-00 Sig. Microfilm: M410-03 Sig. Digital: 111600200-
Marriage | Micaela Antonia Iza Acotain - [View Family (F4782)]
1 January 1838 (Age 24) San Salvador, Legorreta, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.085 Longitude: W2.148 
Source: San Salvador, en LEGORRETA (Gipuzkoa) - Índice de libros sacramentalesPublication: www.snae.org Citation Details: 2º Matrimonios 145 rº Date of entry in original source: from 1721 to 1844 Text: Identificación:
Esposo: Jose Ramon , Mercader, Bonazategui Esposa: Micaela Antonia , Yza, Acutain Fecha: 1838-01-01 Observaciones:
Fondo: San Salvador, en LEGORRETA Título: 2º Matrimonios Fechas Extremas: 1721 - 1844 Folio/Página: 145 rº Nº Partida: 1 Perteneciente a Diócesis: Pamplona Territorio Histórico: Gipuzkoa Código Referencia: DEAH, F06.111, 2549/001-01 Signatura: 2549/001-01 Sig. Microfilm: M667-01 Sig. Digital: 254900101-
Christening of a child | 27 February 1838 (Age 24) San Miguel Arcángel, Aldaba, Tolosa, Guipúzcoa, España
Daughter: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257)
Christening of a child | 19 September 1842 (Age 29) Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, Urnieta, Guipúzcoa, España
Son: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196)
Christening of a child | 17 August 1845 (Age 32) Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, Urnieta, Guipúzcoa, España
Daughter: Josefa Joaquina Victoria Mercader Iza (I11215)
Christening of a child | 31 December 1847 (Age 34) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Son: José Joaquín Mercader Iza (I7703)
Christening of a child | 11 November 1850 (Age 37) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Son: Luis Gabriel María Andrés Avelino Mercader Iza (I7717)
Death of father's sibling | 7 April 1856 (Age 43) San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.29 Longitude: W1.99 
aunt: Manuela Bernarda Mercader Goicoechea (I7777) (Age 79)
Christening of a grandchild | 26 November 1861 (Age 48) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Granddaughter: Maria Josefa Alberdi Mercader (I11182) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 23 April 1863 (Age 50) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Grandson: Miguel Ygnacio Alberdi Mercader (I11184) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 1 September 1864 (Age 51) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Grandson: Jose Ramon Alberdi Mercader (I11181) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Death of father's sibling | 15 March 1865 (Age 52) San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.29 Longitude: W1.99 
aunt: Josefa Vicenta Mercader Goicoechea (I11231)
Christening of a grandchild | 2 August 1866 (Age 53) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Granddaughter: Josefa Ángela Alberdi Mercader (I11187) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 25 April 1869 (Age 56) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Granddaughter: Maria Josefa Alberdi Mercader (I11183) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 27 March 1871 (Age 58) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Grandson: José Maria Vitoria Mercader (I11201) Father: José Maria Vitoria Aguirrebarrena (I11262) Mother: Josefa Joaquina Victoria Mercader Iza (I11215) [View Family (F4826)]
Christening of a grandchild | 18 September 1871 (Age 58) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Granddaughter: Juana Josefa Alberdi Mercader (I11189) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 18 September 1871 (Age 58) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Granddaughter: María Eustaquia Alberdi Mercader (I11190) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 6 August 1874 (Age 61) Parroquia de San Esteban, Oiartzun, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.301 Longitude: W1.859 
Granddaughter: Maria Cruz Vitoria Mercader (I11227) Father: José Maria Vitoria Aguirrebarrena (I11262) Mother: Josefa Joaquina Victoria Mercader Iza (I11215) [View Family (F4826)]
Christening of a grandchild | 19 March 1876 (Age 63) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Grandson: José Miguel Alberdi Mercader (I11188) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 5 January 1878 (Age 64) Basílica de Santa María del Coro, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.3238 Longitude: W1.9866 
Granddaughter: Maria Joaquina Emilia Mercader Ansa (I7621) Father: José Joaquín Mercader Iza (I7703) (Age 30) Mother: Maria Lucia Ansa Berrondo (I7559) [View Family (F4890)]
Death of sibling | 4 October 1878 (Age 65) Altza, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.29 Longitude: W1.99 
Brother: José Antonio Mercader Bonazategui (I7818) (Age 72)
Death of a child | 27 December 1878 (Age 65) San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.29 Longitude: W1.99 
Son: José Joaquín Mercader Iza (I7703) (Age 30)
Christening of a grandchild | 29 June 1879 (Age 66) Parroquia de San Juan Bautista, Hernani, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.27 Longitude: W1.97 
Grandson: Pedro Jose Alberdi Mercader (I11185) Father: Joaquin Antonio Alberdi Ycuza (I11186) Mother: María Fermina Mercader Iza (I11257) [View Family (F4825)]
Christening of a grandchild | 4 November 1879 (Age 66) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Granddaughter: Josefa Antonia Mercader Mutio (I11234) Father: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196) Mother: Marciala Ygnacia Mutio Yturbe (I11214) [View Family (F4910)]
Christening of a grandchild | 1 January 1882 (Age 68) Basílica de Santa María del Coro, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.3238 Longitude: W1.9866 
Granddaughter: Manuela Maria Ursula Mercader Ansa (I7739) Father: Luis Gabriel María Andrés Avelino Mercader Iza (I7717) Mother: Maria Lucia Ansa Berrondo (I7559) [View Family (F4893)]
Christening of a grandchild | 11 February 1883 (Age 69) Catedral del Buen Pastor, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.317 Longitude: W1.9819 
Granddaughter: Josefa Antonia Mercader Anza (I7585) Father: Luis Gabriel María Andrés Avelino Mercader Iza (I7717) Mother: Maria Lucia Ansa Berrondo (I7559) [View Family (F4893)]
Christening of a grandchild | 7 June 1883 (Age 70) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Grandson: José Luis Mercadér Mutio (I11258) Father: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196) Mother: Maria Ygnacia Mutio Yturbe (I11256) [View Family (F4783)]
Death of a grandchild | 22 April 1884 (Age 71) San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.29 Longitude: W1.99 
Granddaughter: Josefa Antonia Mercader Anza (I7585) (Age 14 months)
Christening of a grandchild | 19 January 1885 (Age 71) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Granddaughter: Josefa Juana Jesusa Mercadér Mutio (I11238) Father: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196) Mother: Maria Ygnacia Mutio Yturbe (I11256) [View Family (F4783)]
Christening of a grandchild | 18 August 1885 (Age 72) Catedral del Buen Pastor, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.317 Longitude: W1.9819 
Granddaughter: Ursula Elena Agapita Mercader Ansa (I7658) Father: Luis Gabriel María Andrés Avelino Mercader Iza (I7717) Mother: Josefa Nicolasa Matea Ansa Berrondo (I7558) [View Family (F4858)]
Christening of a grandchild | 24 July 1887 (Age 74) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Grandson: José Ramón Mercadér Mutio (I11248) Father: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196) Mother: Maria Ygnacia Mutio Yturbe (I11256) [View Family (F4783)]
Christening of a grandchild | 10 August 1888 (Age 75) Catedral del Buen Pastor, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.317 Longitude: W1.9819 
Granddaughter: Josefa Antonia Mercader Anza (I7686) Father: Luis Gabriel María Andrés Avelino Mercader Iza (I7717) Mother: Josefa Nicolasa Matea Ansa Berrondo (I7558) [View Family (F4858)]
Christening of a grandchild | 3 October 1889 (Age 76) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Granddaughter: Manuela Matea Mercadér Mutio (I11240) Father: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196) Mother: Maria Ygnacia Mutio Yturbe (I11256) [View Family (F4783)]
Christening of a grandchild | 25 February 1891 (Age 77) Catedral del Buen Pastor, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.317 Longitude: W1.9819 
Grandson: Carlos Mercader Ansa (I7615) Father: Luis Gabriel María Andrés Avelino Mercader Iza (I7717) Mother: Josefa Nicolasa Matea Ansa Berrondo (I7558) [View Family (F4858)]
Christening of a grandchild | 8 April 1895 (Age 82) Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Grandson: José Cayetano Mercader Mutio (I11263) Father: José Lorenzo Mercader Iza (I11196) Mother: Maria Ygnacia Mutio Yturbe (I11256) [View Family (F4783)]
Death of a grandchild | 30 May 1896 (Age 83) Astigarraga, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.282 Longitude: W1.95 
Grandson: José Cayetano Mercader Mutio (I11263) (Age 13 months)
Last Change | 8 December 2011 - 15:42:29