Events of close relatives
Marriage Catalina Gorostegui - [View Family (F4778)]
28 August 1618 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Source: San Sebastián de Soreasu, en AZPEITIA (Gipuzkoa) - Índice de libros sacramentales Publication:
Citation Details: 2º Matrimonios 41 rº Date of entry in original source: from 1608 to 1653 Text: Identificación: Esposo: Juan Perez, Altuna, ---------- Esposa: Catalina, Gorostegui, ---------- Fecha: 1618-08-28 Observaciones: Esta partida se encuentra en la nota marginal de la partida anterior. Localización: Fondo: San Sebastián de Soreasu, en AZPEITIA Título: 2º Matrimonios Fechas Extremas: 1608 - 1653 Folio/Página: 41 rº Nº Partida: ---------- Perteneciente a Diócesis: Pamplona Territorio Histórico: Gipuzkoa Código Referencia: DEAH, F06.046, 1523/002-01 Signatura: 1523/002-01 Sig. Microfilm: M211-05 Sig. Digital: 152300201-0041
Christening of a child 24 June 1619 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Son: Juan Bautista Altuna Gorostegui (I3389)
Christening of a child 24 August 1620 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Son: Antonio Altuna Gorostegui (I3483)
Christening of a child 1 April 1622 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Son: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120)
Christening of a child 4 April 1623 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Son: Ygnaçio Altuna Gorostegui (I3417)
Christening of a child 8 July 1624 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Daughter: Ygnaçia Altuna Gorostegui (I3279)
Christening of a child 26 July 1626 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Son: Santiago Altuna Gorostegui (I3429)
Christening of a child 8 December 1627 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Daughter: Catalina Altuna Gorostegui (I3317)
Christening of a child 28 August 1629 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Daughter: Maria Agustina Altuna Gorostegui (I3450)
Christening of a grandchild 29 May 1652 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Grandson: Domingo Jochin Antonio Altuna Arriaga Ormaegui (I3478) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 30) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 21) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 18 January 1657 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Grandson: Joan Antonio Altuna Arriaga (I3449) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 34) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 26) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 18 January 1657 Nuestra Señora de Icíar, Itziar, Deba, Guipúzcoa, España
Granddaughter: Antonia Altuna Arriaga (I12723) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 34) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 26) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 24 October 1658 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Grandson: Antonio Altuna Ormaegui (I12740) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 36) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 28) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 25 August 1660 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Granddaughter: Maria Antonia Altuna Arriaga Ormaegui (I3403) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 38) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 29) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 28 April 1662 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Granddaughter: Clara Antonia de Altuna Arriaga (I10157) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 40) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 31) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 29 January 1664 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Grandson: Antonio Manuel Altuna Arriaga Ormaegui (I3380) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 41) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 33) [View Family (F0131)]
Christening of a grandchild 20 March 1666 San Sebastián de Soreasu, Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Grandson: Joseph Joachin Antonio Altuna Arriaga Ormaegui (I3275) Father: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 43) Mother: María Jacinta de Arriaga Ormaegui (I10121) (Age 35) [View Family (F0131)]
Death of a child 23 August 1667 Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Son: Antonio de Altuna Gorostegui (I10120) (Age 45)
Death of a grandchild 23 August 1685 Soravilla, Andoain, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.212 Longitude: W2.034
Granddaughter: Clara Antonia de Altuna Arriaga (I10157) (Age 23)
Death of a grandchild 23 August 1685 Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa, España Latitude: N43.182 Longitude: W2.264
Granddaughter: Clara Antonia de Altuna Arriaga (I10157) (Age 23)
Last Change 28 April 2009 - 09:10:52