Birth | Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Source: San Bernardo, Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España - Libros SacramentalesCitation Details: Libro: Bautismos 2, Folio: 52v Date of entry in original source: 8 January 1809
Source: San Bernardo, Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España - Libros SacramentalesCitation Details: Libro: Bautismos 2, Folio: 68r Date of entry in original source: 13 October 1811
Birth of a child #1 | Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Daughter: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366)
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 1 September 1807 Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Grandson: Gil Sánchez Fernández (I2699) Father: Manuel Lázaro Sánchez Martín (I0365) Mother: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366) [View Family (F0237)]
Birth of a grandchild #2 | 7 January 1809 Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Granddaughter: Juliana Nicasia Sánchez Fernández (I2522) Father: Manuel Lázaro Sánchez Martín (I0365) Mother: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366) [View Family (F0237)]
Birth of a grandchild #3 | 9 October 1811 Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Grandson: Dionisio Antonio José Sánchez Fernández (I2516) Father: Manuel Lázaro Sánchez Martín (I0365) Mother: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366) [View Family (F0237)]
Birth of a grandchild #4 | 26 June 1814 Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Grandson: Pablo José Sánchez Fernández (I2500) Father: Manuel Lázaro Sánchez Martín (I0365) Mother: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366) [View Family (F0237)]
Birth of a grandchild #5 | 26 June 1814 Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Grandson: Juan Pablo Sánchez Fernández (I16340) Father: Manuel Lázaro Sánchez Martín (I0365) Mother: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366) [View Family (F0237)]
Birth of a grandchild #6 | 18 December 1816 Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Grandson: Matías Sánchez Fernández (I2322) Father: Manuel Lázaro Sánchez Martín (I0365) Mother: Micaela Fernández de Nieva (I0366) [View Family (F0237)]
Residence | Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España Latitude: N38.61 Longitude: W4.14 
Source: San Bernardo, Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España - Libros SacramentalesCitation Details: Libro: Bautismos 2, Folio: 52v Date of entry in original source: 8 January 1809
Source: San Bernardo, Hinojosas de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España - Libros SacramentalesCitation Details: Libro: Bautismos 2, Folio: 68r Date of entry in original source: 13 October 1811
Last Change | 18 October 2011 - 00:24:40