Romiro de Arbaiza (I14136)
Given Names: Romiro
Surname Prefix: de
Surname: Arbaiza
Given Names: Ramón
Surname: Arbaiza
| Gender: Male |
Birth of a child #1 | Gazólaz, Cendea de Cizur, Navarra, España
Daughter: Cathalina de Arbaiza Guelbenzu (I14135)
Christening of a grandchild | 27 January 1718 San Juan Bautista, Pamplona, Navarra, España Latitude: N42.813 Longitude: W1.644 
Grandson: Francisco de Larreta y Arbaiza (I14180) Father: Tomás de Larreta y Cialceta (I14090) Mother: Cathalina de Arbaiza Guelbenzu (I14135) [View Family (F5836)]
Christening of a grandchild | 24 August 1719 San Juan Bautista, Pamplona, Navarra, España Latitude: N42.813 Longitude: W1.644 
Grandson: Esteban de Larreta y Arbaiza (I14181) Father: Tomás de Larreta y Cialceta (I14090) Mother: Cathalina de Arbaiza Guelbenzu (I14135) [View Family (F5836)]
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 9 September 1721 Pamplona, Navarra, España Latitude: N42.813 Longitude: W1.644 
Grandson: Marcos de Larreta y Arbaiza (I14138) Father: Tomás de Larreta y Cialceta (I14090) (Age 44) Mother: Cathalina de Arbaiza Guelbenzu (I14135) [View Family (F5836)]
Christening of a grandchild | 20 January 1726 San Juan Bautista, Pamplona, Navarra, España Latitude: N42.813 Longitude: W1.644 
Granddaughter: Marta Sebastiana de Larreta y Arbaiza (I14183) Father: Tomás de Larreta y Cialceta (I14090) Mother: Cathalina de Arbaiza Guelbenzu (I14135) [View Family (F5836)]
Christening of a grandchild | 20 July 1727 San Juan Bautista, Pamplona, Navarra, España Latitude: N42.813 Longitude: W1.644 
Grandson: José de Larreta y Arbaiza (I14184) Father: Tomás de Larreta y Cialceta (I14090) Mother: Cathalina de Arbaiza Guelbenzu (I14135) [View Family (F5836)]
Last Change | 28 February 2010 - 20:14:23
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