Birth | 29 February 1868 37 27 Santander, Santander, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.47 Longitude: W3.82 
Source: Agustín Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada
Education | Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Central
Source: María Luisa Alberdi Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada Date of entry in original source: 13 December 2008
Education | Licenciado y Doctor en Letras por la Universidad Central
Source: María Luisa Alberdi Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada Date of entry in original source: 13 December 2008
Birth of sibling | 22 July 1869 (Age 16 months) Santander, Santander, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.47 Longitude: W3.82 
Brother: Ignacio María Aureliano Lomba de la Pedraja (I10346)
Birth of sibling | 5 November 1870 (Age 2) Santander, Santander, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.47 Longitude: W3.82 
Sister: María Luisa Isabel Lomba de la Pedraja (I10349)
Death of mother's sibling | 8 May 1871 (Age 3) Santander, Santander, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.47 Longitude: W3.82 
uncle: Amadeo de la Pedraja y Cuesta (I10853)
Death of a grand-parent | 11 April 1872 (Age 4) Grandfather: José María de la Lomba Maza (I10299)
Death of a grand-parent | 13 April 1872 (Age 4) Casa de los Cuetos, Sobremazas, Medio Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.3736 Longitude: W3.7517 
Grandfather: José María de la Lomba Maza (I10299)
Birth of sibling | 24 August 1873 (Age 5) Santander, Santander, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.47 Longitude: W3.82 
Brother: José Antonio Amadeo Lomba de la Pedraja (I10350)
Death of sibling | 30 March 1877 (Age 9) Gajano, Marina de Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.41 Longitude: W3.766 
Brother: José Antonio Amadeo Lomba de la Pedraja (I10350) (Age 3)
Birth of sibling | 7 July 1877 (Age 9) Gajano, Marina de Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.41 Longitude: W3.766 
Brother: Fermín Amadeo Agustín Lomba de la Pedraja (I10351)
Birth of sibling | 14 August 1881 (Age 13) Gajano, Marina de Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.41 Longitude: W3.766 
Brother: Luis Felipe Eusebio Lomba de la Pedraja (I10353)
Birth of sibling | 26 April 1885 (Age 17) Santander, Santander, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.47 Longitude: W3.82 
Brother: Clemente Francisco Javier Lomba de la Pedraja (I10355)
Death of father's sibling | 24 September 1886 (Age 18) aunt: Laureana Lomba de los Cuetos (I10329) (Age 49)
Burial of father's sibling | 24 September 1886 (Age 18) Valdecilla, Medio Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.3797 Longitude: W3.736 
aunt: Laureana Lomba de los Cuetos (I10329) (on the date of death)
Death of father's sibling | 30 October 1887 (Age 19) Bayona, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Aquitaine, Francia Latitude: N43.483 Longitude: W1.483 
uncle: Clemente Lomba de los Cuetos (I10335) (Age 66)
Death of father | 23 April 1891 (Age 23) Madrid, Madrid, España Latitude: N40.4 Longitude: W3.71 
Father: José Ramón Lomba de los Cuetos (I10332) (Age 60)
Death of mother's sibling | 1897 (Age 28) uncle: Daniel de la Pedraja Cuesta (I8507)
Death of sibling | 3 October 1900 (Age 32) Gajano, Marina de Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.41 Longitude: W3.766 
Sister: María Luisa Isabel Lomba de la Pedraja (I10349) (Age 29)
Burial of sibling | 3 October 1900 (Age 32) Valdecilla, Medio Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.3797 Longitude: W3.736 
Sister: María Luisa Isabel Lomba de la Pedraja (I10349) (on the date of death)
Death of father's sibling | 26 December 1905 (Age 37) aunt: Leandra Lomba de los Cuetos (I10331) (Age 72)
Death of mother's sibling | 18 May 1915 (Age 47) Burgos, Burgos, España Latitude: N42.35 Longitude: W3.68 
aunt: Luisa de la Pedraja y de la Cuesta (I4274)
Burial of mother | 27 February 1928 (Age 59) Valdecilla, Medio Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.3797 Longitude: W3.736 
Mother: Amanda de la Pedraja Cuesta (I10333) (Age 87)
Death of mother | 28 February 1928 (Age 59) Madrid, Madrid, España Latitude: N40.4 Longitude: W3.71 
Mother: Amanda de la Pedraja Cuesta (I10333) (Age 87)
Death of sibling | 20 April 1946 (Age 78) Madrid, Madrid, España Latitude: N40.4 Longitude: W3.71 
Brother: Fermín Amadeo Agustín Lomba de la Pedraja (I10351) (Age 68)
Occupation | Granja el Henar
Source: María Luisa Alberdi Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada Date of entry in original source: 14 December 2008
Occupation | Escritor, investigador y crítico literario
Source: María Luisa Alberdi Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada Date of entry in original source: 14 December 2008
Occupation | Catedrático de la Universidad Murcia, Murcia, España Latitude: N37.99 Longitude: W1.14 
Source: María Luisa Alberdi Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada Date of entry in original source: 14 December 2008
Occupation | Catedrático de la Universidad Oviedo, Asturias, España Latitude: N43.36 Longitude: W5.87 
Source: María Luisa Alberdi Lomba - Comunicación privadaPublication: Comunicación privada Date of entry in original source: 14 December 2008
Death | 4 January 1951 (Age 82)
Burial | Medio Cudeyo, Cantabria, España Latitude: N43.3839 Longitude: W3.7524 
Last Change | 9 January 2009 - 06:34:52